"Death is a transition
from our schoolroom
to our true home"

Being that I am generation Millennial, It has been hard for me to fit into the “Norm” of people in my age group. I have always found that people that are older than me were easier to relate to. Having this gift of Mediumship has not been an easier journey for me.
When I started doing readings professionally at the age of 14, it was very natural for me. I was a junior in high school is when I started to fully develop my gift. Since then, I have been learning to trust spirit 100 percent. My readings are Evidential-based, which means when I connect to your friends and relatives in the spirit world, I bring through as much detail to prove their existence, facts, places, name, memories, and events that have actually happened between your loved ones and you.
My Mediumship stands out because so many mediums have a habit of keeping the dead “dead”, and truly not bringing them alive by providing details that they are still around you. Wouldn’t you want to know what your family and friends have been seeing since they have passed? Wouldn’t you want to know in all the years that they have been gone, they have been seeing every mile stone that you have taken? That’s what I bring through with my readings, I am clear cut and tell people exactly what I see, hear, and feel from the spirit world.
Your loved ones are around you every day watching you, guiding you and holding your hand. Remember God is within every part of your being, use your God self to connect to the infinite possibilities life has to offer.
Maya Angelou said “While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also Gods creation.”
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